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Tropical Dental Journal - 1st Pan African international dental journal

Dictionnaire Internet Africain des Médicaments (DIAM)


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Last issue

N° 85 - March 1999 N° 85 - Volume 22 - March 1999

Printed issue avalaible: order

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Content of N° 85 - March 1999

Bilan carieux des enfants scolarisés âgés de 12 ans en 1996 en Côte d'Ivoire   Article Open access  
GUINAN J.C. BAKAYOKO-LY R., SAMBA M., KATTIE A. L., OKA A.E. - Ivory Coast - 48-54 - Read more

Chirurgie dentaire au Liban : les études et la démographie professionnelle   Article Open access  
A. JAMALEDDINE, J. RENSON - Lebanon - 29-32 - Read more

Diagnosis of oral premalignant and malignant lesions using cytomorphometry   Article Open access  
T. RAMAESH, B.R.R.N. MENDIS, N. RATNATUNGA, R.O. THATTIL - Sri Lanka - 23-28 - Read more

Endodontie préprothétique : limites et possibilités   Article Open access  
S. NAIM, A. EL YAMANI, Kh. KABBAJ, A. ABDEDDINE, A. ALLABOUCH - Morocco - 6-10 - Read more

Prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis in Al-Qaseem province - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia   Article Open access  
Kh. ALMAS, Z.F. SHAKIR, M. AFZAL - Saudi Arabia - 44-47 - Read more

Removable prosthesis : masticatory efficiency   Article Open access  
N’DINDIN A.C., COMPAGNON D., VEYRUNE J.L., MORENAS M., BITTY M.J - Ivory Coast - 15-22 - Read more

Supra-implanted total prothesis   Article Open access  
N’DINDIN A.C., LESCHER J., BITTY M., MORENAS M. - Ivory Coast - 37-43 - Read more

Randomised selection of bitewing radiographs: analysis and clinical therof   Article Open access  
K. PILLAI, N.O. HOLLIST - United Kingdom - 11-14 - Read more

Statistical observations on jaw cysts in Enugu, Nigeria, 1987-1996   Article Open access  
CH. OJI - Nigeria - 33-36 - Read more

Printed issue avalaible: order

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Dictionnaire Internet Africain des Médicaments (DIAM)



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