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Published in English in Tropical Dental Journal Volume 22 - September 1999 pages 41-45

Natural fluoride levels in some springs and streams from the late Maastrichtian Ajali formation in Ohafia-Arochukwu area of south eastern NigeriaNatural fluoride levels in some springs and streams from the late Maastrichtian Ajali formation in Ohafia-Arochukwu area of south eastern Nigeria est évalué 1 étoiles par les abonnés Tropical Dental Journal Online

Article Open access

Authors : Kalu Kalu Ibe, Albert Oluwayanmife ADlegbembo, Jerôme Onome Mafeni, Ishaku Sallau Danfillo - Nigeria

Natural fluoride levels in some springs and streams from the late Maastrichtian Ajali formation in Ohafia-Arochukwu area of south eastern Nigeria

The aim of this study was to provide baseline data on the fluoride levels in waters associated with the late Maastrichtian Ajali formation in Ohafia-Arochukwu area of South Eastern Nigeria.
Water samples from 14 artesian, perched springs and eight streams from the formation were collected with plastic containers. Fluoride analysis was carried out with inductively coupled plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) equipment at the laboratories of the Department of Earth Science, University of Leeds, United Kingdom. The results showed that fluoride occurred in only one of the 14 spring water samples. Fluoride level in the sample was 0.03 ppm. The spring water, which contained some fluoride, was possibly associated with another rock formation: namely, the limestone bearing Nsukka formation, which overlies the Ajali formation. No fluoride was observed in all the stream water samples.
This study reported the absence of fluoride in spring and stream waters associated with the late Maastrichtian formations in Nigeria.

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