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Tropical Dental Journal - 1st Pan African international dental journal

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Published in French in Tropical Dental Journal Volume 22 - June 1999 pages 23-26

Jaw perforation of dental origin and effect of anti-inflammatory agents during automedication case presentation of one caseJaw perforation of dental origin and effect of anti-inflammatory agents during automedication case presentation of
one case est évalué 1 étoiles par les abonnés Tropical Dental Journal Online

Article Open access

Authors : P. Kouame, K. Souaga, D. Amantchi - Ivory Coast


Les complications des affections carieuses, non traitées ou mal traitées, sont fréquentes en Afrique (cellulite, ostéite, ...). Les patients résistent à la douleur par l'automédication et les pratiques traditionnelles et consultent tardivement l'odontologiste à l'occasion de complications cutanées (fistules, perforations) rebelles aux thérapeutiques traditionnelles.
Nous exposons dans ce travail le cas d'un jeune étudiant ivoirien de 22 ans que nous avons reçu à notre consultation après un an d'errance thérapeutique et une perforation juguale droite.

Jaw perforation of dental origin and effect of anti-inflammatory agents during automedication case presentation of one case

Complications of dental caries not treated and mal-treated are frequent in Africa (cellulitis, osteitis, etc...). Patients consult late due to effective automedication with anti-inflammatory agents but the continuing pathological process leading to fistulae, perforation and persistent pain are finally the reasons of consultation.
We present a case of a young Ivorian student of 22 years we have received after one year of erratic treatment with a right jaw perforation.

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