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Tropical Dental Journal - 1st Pan African international dental journal

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Published in English in Tropical Dental Journal Volume 22 - June 1999 pages 27-32

Effect of education upon dentists' knowledge and attitude toward fissure sealantsEffect of education upon dentists' knowledge and attitude toward fissure sealants est évalué 1 étoiles par les abonnés Tropical Dental Journal Online

Article Open access

Authors : Najat M.A. Farsi - Saudi Arabia

Effect of education upon dentists' knowledge and attitude toward fissure sealants

Sealants are highly effective in preventing dental caries in the pits and fissures of teeth. It has been shown, however, that sealants are not widely used by dentists. This study aimed to educate dental professionals about sealants and to evaluate the effect of such education on dentists' knowledge, attitude and use of sealants. A total of 312 dentists were surveyed to determine their knowledge and attitude toward sealants. Respondents were randomly allocated to "Education" group, who received education materials; and "No Education" group, who received no material (until after the education phase). After 12 months, 105 dentists responded to the post-intervention survey. Comparison between the two surveys shows that dentists' knowledge increased significantly in the "Education" group. No difference was detected in dentists' knowledge in the "No Education" group. Dentists' attitude and sealant use did not significantly improve in any of the groups.
It is therefore, concluded that continuing education were more likely to change dentists' knowledge than attitude and behaviour. Effort to encourage sealant use by dentists should continue, but with the recognition that changes in behaviour occur over a long time and that other external factors in the professional environment may affect the rate of change.

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