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Tropical Dental Journal - 1st Pan African international dental journal

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Published in English in Tropical Dental Journal Volume 30 - March 2007 pages 5-10

Determination of the bactericidal activity of different calcium hydroxide presentations on a dentin modelDetermination of the bactericidal activity of different calcium hydroxide presentations on a dentin model est évalué 1 étoiles par les abonnés Tropical Dental Journal Online

Article Open access

Authors : A. Sinan, A.J. Adou, T. Rochd, P. Calas - Ivory Coast

Determination of the bactericidal activity of different calcium hydroxide presentations on a dentin model

Calcium hydroxide placed as a temporary dressing in the root canal helps sterilize infected canals. Hycal® and Roeko® calcium hydroxide points are two delayed-action medications containing Ca(OH)2 recommended for root canal treatment. The purpose of this study was to test their bactericidal activity in comparison with that of C-PMCP on Streptococcus sanguins strain NCTC 7823. Artificially infected 4-mm high blocks of dentin obtained from bovine incisors were used as an experimental model (n = 192). After three days of treatment with the two antiseptics, intracanal dentin powder was collected by serial drillings and used to inoculate a culture broth. The turbidity of this broth after 24 hours showed if the bacteria were eliminated or not and was used as criterion of antiseptic efficacy. No bacterial growth was observed in the samples treated with C-PMCP. Hycal® had a considerable bactericidal activity with 94% of negative cultures whereas first-generation Roeko® points had no activity on the strain of S. sanguis tested.

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