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Published in English in Tropical Dental Journal Volume 30 - March 2007 pages 11-15

Pattern of tooth mobility and missing teeth types among juvenile periodontitis patients in Lagos University Teaching Hospital dental centrePattern of tooth mobility and missing teeth types among juvenile periodontitis patients in Lagos University Teaching Hospital dental centre est évalué 1 étoiles par les abonnés Tropical Dental Journal Online

Article Open access

Authors : K.O. Savage, P.O. Ayanbadejo - Nigeria

Pattern of tooth mobility and missing teeth types among juvenile periodontitis patients in Lagos University Teaching Hospital dental centre

The objective of this study was to determine the degree of tooth mobility and missing teeth according to tooth type of juvenile periodontitis patients attending the Lagos University Teaching Hospital Dental Centre from January 2004 to March 2004.
Methodology : Eighteen juvenile periodontitis patients were identified with an age range of 18 years to 36 years. There were 9 males and 9 females.
Result : In this study, the most common tooth mobility exhibited was grade 2 (46%), followed by grade 3 (37%) and grade 1 (17%). The most mobile tooth type were the upper incisors (23%) when considering all degrees of tooth mobility. The least mobile teeth were the lower cuspid/bicuspins (7.5%).
Within the jaws, the most commonly missing tooth type were the upper incisors (28%), more females exhibited grade 2 tooth mobility than males, while more males exhibited grade 3 tooth mobility.
Conclusion : Mild or moderately mobile teeth particularly of 1st molars and incisors should be considered a risk factor for aggressive periodontitis and should require further periodontal examination at routine dental visits particularly amongst adolescents and young adults. Regular prophylactic scaling and polishing with frequent recalls should result in early diagnosis and in preventing the rapid progression of this condition.

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