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Tropical Dental Journal - 1st Pan African international dental journal

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Published in English in Tropical Dental Journal Volume 28 - September 2005 pages 34-36

Bell’s palsy. A review of five cases seen at UNTH dental clinic, Enugu, NigeriaBell’s palsy. A review of five cases seen at UNTH dental clinic, Enugu, Nigeria est évalué 1 étoiles par les abonnés Tropical Dental Journal Online

Article Open access

Authors : E. NDIOKWELU - Nigeria


5 cas de paralysie faciale colligés sur une période de 10 ans (1988-1998) à la Clinique Dentaire du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire du Nigeria ont fait l’objet d’une étude rétrospective. Les dossiers des 5 patients ont été étudiés : sexe, âge, clinique.
Il y avait 3 hommes et 2 femmes. L’âge variait entre 25 et 28 ans. Le diagnostic était fait en tenant compte du début brutal, des antécédents et de l’étude clinique.

Bell’s palsy. A review of five cases seen at UNTH dental clinic, Enugu, Nigeria

Five cases of facial nerve palsy seen over a period of ten years (1988-1998) at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Dental Clinic were retrospectively reviewed. The materials on file for the five patients were studied and the presenting features sex, age and clinical presentation were reviewed.
There were three males and two females. Their ages were between 25 and 28 years. Diagnosis was based on sudden onset, history and clinical presentation.

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