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Published in English in Tropical Dental Journal Volume 33 - March 2010 pages 5-10

Tooth size ratios of Nigerian and applicability of Bolton’s analysisTooth size ratios of Nigerian and applicability of Bolton’s analysis est évalué 2 étoiles par les abonnés Tropical Dental Journal Online

Article Open access

Authors : A.T. Adeyemi, O.O. Bankole, O.O. Denloye - Nigeria


Objectifs : Etablir un ratio de la taille des dents des Nigérians, comparer ces pourcentages en fonction du sexe avec ceux des caucasiens selon l’analyse de Bolton.
Matériels et méthode de l’enquête : L’échantillon est composé de 250 patients âgés de 12 à 15 ans : 125 hommes et 125 femmes. Ces sujets ont une occlusion normale de classe I et pas d’antécédents de traitements orthodontiques. Résultats : Notre étude trouve un pourcentage global moyen de 92.5 ± 0.5% et un pourcentage antérieur de 79.0 ± 0.5. Le pourcentage de la taille dentaire selon le sexe a été calculé en utilisant le test t de Student, il n’y a pas de différence significative entre les deux sexes [p. > 0.05].
Conlusion : Le pourcentage des tailles des dents des Nigérians a été établi. La formule de l’analyse des dents de Bolton s’applique aux dents des nigérians. La proportion de taille des dents du sexe féminin est plus elevée que celle du sexe masculin.

Tooth size ratios of Nigerian and applicability of Bolton’s analysis

Objective: To establish tooth size ratio of Nigerian, to compare with size ratio among gender and to compare tooth size ratios of Nigerian with that of Caucasians as determined by Bolton’s.
Material and methods: Dental casts of 250 subjects (125 males and 125 females) were used for the study. The age range was 12-15 years. All subjects had normal class I occlusion with no history of orthodontic treatment. Results: A mean overall ratio of 92.5 ± 0.5% and anterior ratio of 79.0 ± 0.5 were reported for Nigerian teeth. Tooth size ratios among gender was compared using the student’s t-test, there was no significant difference (P>0.05). Nigerian tooth size ratio was compared with those of Caucasians as determined by Bolton, no statistically significant differences were found (P > 0.05).
Conclusion: Tooth size ratios among Nigerians have been established. Bolton’s formula for tooth size analysis also applies to Nigerian teeth. The tooth size ratios of Nigerian females are higher than those of males.

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