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Published in French in Tropical Dental Journal Volume 34 - March 2011 pages 39-45

Factors of failure of prosthetic restoration of the acquired losses of substance of the jawbone and the mandible in sub-Saharan AfricaFactors of failure of prosthetic restoration of the acquired losses of substance of the jawbone and the mandible in sub-Saharan Africa est évalué 1 étoiles par les abonnés Tropical Dental Journal Online

Article Open access

Authors : BAMBA A, KONAN E, N’CHO K.J-C, KOUAKOU N.C, ASSA A., ASSI K.D - Ivory Coast


Les prothèses obturatrices maxillaires et les prothèses de substitution mandibulaire permettent de restaurer les pertes de substance maxillaires et mandibulaires et de remédier aux troubles fonctionnels et esthétiques qui en découlent. Le succès de ces restaurations prothétiques peut être compromis par des facteurs d’ordre technique, économique et socioculturel, l’importance des pertes de substance, le nombre réduit de dents piliers, la pauvreté du plateau technique, la persistance de certains concepts traditionnels sont les principaux facteurs d’échec. La lutte contre ces facteurs, nécessite la sensibilisation des populations aux consultations hospitalières précoces, l’amélioration du plateau technique en prothèse maxillo-faciale, la facilitation de l’accès des groupes les plus défavorisés aux restaurations prothétiques, la promotion de la collaboration pluridisciplinaire, la coopération du patient tout au long de la prise en charge.

Factors of failure of prosthetic restoration of the acquired losses of substance of the jawbone and the mandible in sub-Saharan Africa

The obturating prostheses of the jawbone and the prostheses of rebuilding of the mandible make it possible to restore the losses of substance of the jawbone and of the mandible and to cure the functio-nal and Aesthetic disorders which result from these losses of substance. The success of these prosthetic restorations can be compromised by technical, economic and cultural factors. The principal factors are the importance of the losses of substance, the reduced number of teeth, the poverty of the technical plate, the persistence of certain traditional concepts.
The fight against these factors requires the promotion of therapeutic associations in maxillo-facial cancerology, the sensitizing of the populations to the early hospital consultations, the improvement of the technical plate of the prosthesis of the jawbone and the face, the facilitation of the access of the most underprivileged groups to the prosthetic restorations, the promotion of multi-field collaboration, the whole co-operation of the patient throughout the treatment and the follow-up postprothetic.

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