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Published in French in Tropical Dental Journal Volume 41 - September 2018 pages 53-58

Docteur Tarcissus Konsem Maxillofacial trauma by Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) involving two-wheeler at the University Teaching Hospital Yalgado Ouedraogo (UTH-YO). Epidemiological, anatomical and clinical aspectsMaxillofacial trauma by Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) involving two-wheeler at the University Teaching Hospital Yalgado Ouedraogo (UTH-YO). Epidemiological, anatomical and clinical aspects est évalué 1 étoiles par les abonnés Tropical Dental Journal Online

Article Open access

Authors : T. Konsem, M. Millogo, A. Coulibaly, V. Ili, I. Ouedraogo, R.W.L. Ouedraogo, D. Ouedraogo - Burkina Faso


Introduction : Les traumatismes maxillo-faciaux par Accident de la Circulation Routière (ACR) impliquant les engins à deux roues sont fréquents et peuvent occasionner des lésions graves.
Matériels et méthodes : Il s’agit d’une étude prospective allant du 1er janvier 2017 au 31 avril 2017 dans le service de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale du CHUYO. Les dossiers médicaux des patients, les registres de consultation et les comptes-rendus opératoires ont été les sources de collecte des données.
Résultats : Au total 230 cas ont été colligés dans le service de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale du CHUYO. Ces cas étaient relativement fréquents soit 84.24% des motifs de consultation de traumatologie. Les travailleurs du secteur informel (43,48%) et l’homme jeune de sexe masculin (84,35%) ont été les plus touchés. Les motocyclistes (80,70%) constituaient les principaux usagers. La consommation d’alcool (49,13%) et la méconnaissance du code de la route (77,29%) étaient les principaux facteurs favorisants. Les lésions des parties molles étaient les plus fréquentes (90,43%). Le zygoma était l’os le plus atteint (49,46%). Les fractures des membres (44,73%) ont constitué les principales lésions osseuses extra-faciales associées.
Conclusion : La sensibilisation de nos populations sur la sécurité routière et la collaboration interdisciplinaire permettraient de renforcer l’efficacité de nos structures de soins.

Maxillofacial trauma by Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) involving two-wheeler at the University Teaching Hospital Yalgado Ouedraogo (UTH-YO). Epidemiological, anatomical and clinical aspects

Introduction: Jaw bone facial traumatisms caused by public road accidents especially from two-wheeled motorcycles are quite frequent and often lead to critical lesions.
Materials and methods: During our forecasting survey which lasted from January 1st to April 31st, 2017 within the stomatology and surgery services of the National University Hospital- Yalgado Ouedraogo with a focus on jaw bone-facial matters. Medical documents of patients, consultation records and post-operating reports have been the foundation in collecting data.
Results: Two-hundred and thirty cases have been recorded in the stomatology and surgery services with a focus on jawbone-facial cases. Traumatism cases were estimated to 84.24% which constitute the major reasons of consultations. The level was estimated by the informal sector workers to 43.48% and young boys with 84.35% who generally paid the highest price. Motorcyclists with 80.70%, spirits consuming with 49.13% and the unawareness of the Highway Code with 77.29% was the major causes of accidents. Wounds with 90,43% were lesions from soft parts. The zygomatic bone with 49,46% was osseous lesions the most touched. Orthopedic area with 44.73% was the principal associated extra-facial lesions.
Conclusion: A growing awareness of the population about roads safety, the implementation of technical program from the stomatology and interdisciplinary collaboration plan could strengthen the efficacy of our treatment services.

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