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Our vision

We build the African medical web

Médecine d'Afrique Francophone (ex-Médecine d'Afrique noire) is the oldest journal published by APIDPM (72 years) that publishes also Tropical Dental Journal (47 years).

In January 2000, Santé Tropicale was created with the slogan "We build the African medical web" and with the aim of developing electronic versions of its journals. In 2006, APIDPM was created to generate the necessary resources for the development of Santé Tropicale sites.

Our mission

To optimize the use of the Internet to benefit African health professionals

For developing countries, mobile phone technology is a major evolutionary key as it helps to alleviate the lack of infrastructure.

Mobile telephony networks allow the use of an Internet (in a broad sense) whose value, in this context, is invaluable.

Our goals

  1. To provide to African health professionals a quick and free access to medical and pharmaceutical information of quality ;
  2. To provide to pharmaceutical industry an effective digital communication channel adapted to the African context.

Go to APIDPM websites

Journal, Continuing Medical Education,
Congresses announcements...

Médecine d'Afrique Francophone électronique
Médecine du Maghreb électronique
Odonto-Stomatologie électronique
Le Dictionnaire Internet Africain des Médicaments


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  • 135, chemin de Canto Maï
    83190 Ollioules - France


  • +33 4 94 63 24 99

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APIDPM Santé Tropicale

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APIDPM is publisher of medical sites :

Médecine d'Afrique Francophone électronique Médecine du Maghreb électronique Odonto-Stomatologie électronique Le Dictionnaire Internet Africain des Médicaments