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Tropical Dental Journal - 1st Pan African international dental journal

Dictionnaire Internet Africain des Médicaments (DIAM)


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Last issue

N° 153 - March 2016 N° 153 - Volume 39 - March 2016

Printed issue avalaible: order

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Content of N° 153 - March 2016

Two clinical examples of the use of orthodontic mini-screws   Article Open access  
R. Bationo, F. Jordana, W.A.D Kabore, P.I Ngom - Burkina Faso - 5-13 - Read more

The implant surface characteristics and peri-implantitis. An evidence-based update   Article Open access  
C. Davila Peixoto, K. Almas - Saudi Arabia - 23-35 - Read more

Influence of the removable partial denture acrylic resin on oral health and quality of life   Article Open access  
Sekele I.B, I. Naert, P.S. Lutula, M.K. Ntumba, I. Bolenge, K. Kaba, G.M. Mayunga, G.T. Dzaringa - Congo, The Democratic Republic of the - 36-46 - Read more

Periodontal status and its association with self-reported hypertension in non-medical staff in a university teaching hospital in Nigeria   Article Open access  
K.A. Umeizudike, P.O. Ayanbadejo, A.T. Onajole, T.I. Umeizudike, G.O. Alade - Nigeria - 47-55 - Read more

Frequency and distribution of teeth treated by single- and multiple- visit root canal treatment in a Nigerian population by differently skilled operators   Article Open access  
D.C. Umesi, O.A. Oremosu, J.O. Makanjuola, N.C. Nwachukwu NC - Nigeria - 56-64 - Read more

Printed issue avalaible: order

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Dictionnaire Internet Africain des Médicaments (DIAM)



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