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Tropical Dental Journal - 1st Pan African international dental journal

Tropical Dental Journal


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Last issue

N° 87 - September 1999 N° 87 - Volume 22 - September 1999

Printed issue avalaible: order

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Content of N° 87 - September 1999

Enamel asiderosis and dental caries   Article Open access  
ADOU AKPE J., BAKAYOKO-LY R, NDOBO-EPOY Ph - Ivory Coast - 29-32 - Read more

Dental caries status of 5-7 year old children in three districts in Tanzania, Uganda and Mozambique   Article Open access  
R LALLOO, MH HOBDELL, HJ MOSHA, F MBOLI , A TANDA - South Africa - 46-48 - Read more

Effect of two common Nigerian chewing sticks on gingival health and oral hygiene   Article Open access  
ADERINOKUN G.A, LAWOYIN J.O, ONYEASO C.O. - Niger - 13-18 - Read more

The effect of conical X-ray   Article Open access  
P. KOUAME, M.M. ROUSSET. AMANTHI D., J.P.DUBUS - France - 5-11 - Read more

Natural fluoride levels in some springs and streams from the late Maastrichtian Ajali formation in Ohafia-Arochukwu area of south eastern Nigeria   Article Open access  
Kalu Kalu Ibe, Albert Oluwayanmife ADlegbembo, Jerôme Onome Mafeni, Ishaku Sallau Danfillo - Nigeria - 41-45 - Read more

Proalvéolies supérieures et fractures alvéolo-dentaires - Approche préventive des risques traumatiques   Article Open access  
OKA A. E., N’CHO K.J.C., GUINAN J.C., KATTIE A.L., DJAHA K., BAKAYOKO-LY R - Ivory Coast - 19-23 - Read more

The effect of smoking on periodontal conditions assessd by CPITN   Article Open access  
FATIN AWARTANI, NASSER AL-JASSER - Saudi Arabia - 38-40 - Read more

Traditional tea drinking in Senegal, a real source of fluoride intake for the population   Article Open access  
YAM A.A., KANE A.W., CISSE D., GUEYE M.M, DIOP L., AGBOTON P., FAYE M - Ivory Coast - 25-28 - Read more

Tumeur odontogène adénomateuse et prémolaire sous-orbitaire - A propos d'une observation   Article Open access  
DILU N. J., BOBE A, MUYEMBI, LELO T - Congo - - Read more

Printed issue avalaible: order

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Tropical Dental Journal



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